
Neil Schori


Neil has been married to the love of his life, Brandi, since 2001. They have three daughters, Hannah (she drives now), Mia, and Ava (they don’t drive yet). The Schori family loves to travel and spend time together and with friends. A common mantra in their family is “remember, we are all each other’s biggest supporters in life!”

Neil has had the privilege of working in several churches in the Chicagoland area, but his passion for inviting people to know Jesus has never changed. Neil is also known for his desire to help the church be allied with victims of domestic violence and he loves leading annual medical missions to Haiti with a local grassroots organization, New Life for Haiti.

As an Elder, Neil loves to get to partner with one of his life-long friends, Steve Van Denend, and the many other talented leaders at The Edge to give direction to the activities of the church. Neil loves to preach, but also has a great passion for singing songs that honor Jesus. Neil is inspired by the servant-leaders (deacons) of the church because they joyfully care for the physical needs that arise within the congregation.

While Neil never thought that he would be a pastor, his degrees in political science and in counseling have helped equip him to lead followers of Jesus and to relate to those outside of the church, too. Neil was ordained in 2002 by Westbrook Church in Bolingbrook, IL.

Follow Neil

Facebook: Neil Schori

Instagram: @neilschori

Twitter: @neilschori